Victoria City council has decided to "sleep on it".
A proposal which would amend a bylaw, allowing people to sleep in their cars has been pushed back until the end of May.
Councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe explains why the motion has been delayed. "It was a process issue, the mover's of the motion recognized that the process we usually have to bring something to the table usually doesn't come off the floor. It comes during our quarterly report. We want to make sure we're not bumping something else that may be part of our strategic plan. Staff will come back at the end of May with a report which we can ask questions and let us know what this work will entail. Until then everything is the status quo."
The idea was brought forward by councilor Chris Coleman and mayor Lisa Helps.
There has been a great deal of push back and attention to this proposal.
Staff will report back to council with its recommendations on May 25.