The Capital Regional District (CRD) Board has approved its 2017 budget and financial plan. It's a consolidated budget, including the Capital Regional Hospital District (CRHD) Board and Capital Region Housing Corporation - and is split into a $284.2-Million Operating budget which pays for a range of more than 200 services in the region. There's also a Capital budget of $192.8 Million targets capital projects.
That includes continuing support for the wastewater treatment plant slated to get undert in the coming weeks, $16-million for the new consolidated 911/police dispatch centre, upgrading the drinking water disinfection plant, and investing in the development of health-related infrastructure, including The Summit at Quadra Village, a 320 unit complex residential and dementia care facility. Construction of the facility is currently underway.
The CRD says the budget focuses on investing in the future and supporting regional priorities, while managing costs and diversifying revenue. The Capital Regional Hospital District (CRHD) Board also approved its 2017 budget, which provides capital funding and develops healthcare infrastructure in the Capital Region.