It was shocking news that over 50 sled dogs belonging to a Whistler sled dog company had been culled, and it began a line of questioning of how dogs in the sled and racing dog industry are treated. But it hasn't gone far enough.
A film highlighting the tarnished background of the sled dog industry is premiering in Victoria and will be making its way across Canada.
"The Whistler sled dog massacre was horrific and we'd hoped that when people saw that they would step up and make the industry stop, but that never happened."
Penny Stone with the Victoria Humane Society is featured in the documentary, Sled Dogs. Seven years ago, she was responsible for taking in and rehoming 300 of the Whistler sled dogs and is saddened that nothing has changed.
"The government, I think spend $100,000 for a sled dog task force and everyone got together and made all these rules that would happen for sled dogs, but it never happened. There's been no inspections, dogs are still living horrific lives, there are still culls going on."
Stone says release of the film has sparked intimidation and has led to those in the industry trying to defend themselves.
The film will show Tuesday night at the Vic Theatre @ 7pm.