Final paving on the Johnson Street Bridge approaches is set to go from 5 am through 11 pm on Sunday. That means it will be closed to vehicle traffic, but not pedestrians and cyclists.
But Project Director Jonathan Huggett says those users should pay very close attention to the flaggers directions as they are there to keep the public and crews working on the project safe:
"And cyclists just take great care, there will be abrupt changes in elevation where the surfaces are. So just be very careful as you go through there. And we appreciate everybody's patience in getting this work done."
Huggett says there rain forecast for Sunday - and if it comes it will be up to the crew to decide if work needs to be suspended.
Meantime steel parts for the bridge left Shanghai on Aug. 2nd, and Huggett says he expects to see steel on site sometime during the week of Aug. 21st.
As for the cost - he says they are still on budget at $105-million, with about $800-thousand in contingency funds. That doesn't include the north side fendering or public realm costs.
Updates on the bridge can be found at