VICTORIA -- A man was arrested at Beacon Hill Park on Tuesday morning after another violent incident.
Police were called to the park shortly after 10 a.m. after receiving a report that a man had assaulted a City of Victoria bylaw vehicle with a sledgehammer, and smashed one of the windows.
Patrol officers were able to locate the man shortly after their arrival to the scene, and the suspect was arrested without incident. The case is now in the very early stages of its investigation, and that at this time it's not known whether the bylaw staff were inside the vehicle when it was attacked.
Police Spokesman Bowen Osoko says the man was released pending a court date, and that luckily there were no injuries during the incident.
"This file is very much under investigation," said Osoko. "There could be further movement in terms of how the file progresses, but it's my understanding that he was released with a court date."
Osoko couldn't confirm the vehicle's damage, but says more information will be released soon.