Jack-O-Lanterns across the CRD will meet their demise this weekend.
Three Pumpkin Smash events are being held in the CRD, one on Saturday in Saanichton, and two on Sunday, one in View Royal and one in Langford.
Saanichton's event is held at the Heritage Acres, on Lochside Road, from 10am to 3pm. The "Squash Cystic Fibrosis Pumpkin Launch" will feature 2 pumpkin slingshots, one for adults and one child-size, which will launch the old Jack-O-Lanterns onto the front field. There will also be a pumpkin eating contest, hammer pumpkin smash, and more. There is a cover charge to enter, 5 dollars for adults, 3 dollars for children, with the money raised going to the Victoria Chapter of Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
Langford Fire Department is hosting the event at the Millstream Village Mall on Sunday from 10am to 2pm. They will be raising one of their ladders over 100 feet, and dropping the pumpkins from there. They will also be raising money for charity, donations will go towards Muscular Dystrophy Canada and the B-C Professional Firefighters Burn Fund. There will also be hot dogs and snacks for sale, as well as games for the kids.
In View Royal, the event is also being hosted by the Fire Department, and there will also be pumpkins falling from the sky. People will be able to climb to the top of the fire tower, take aim at a target on the ground, and toss their Jack-O-Lanterns from way up high. Those who hit the target will be entered into a prize draw. The event is being hosted at the View Royal Fire Department from 10am to 2pm on Sunday.
If you don't feel the urge to launch your pumpkin to it's doom, then please dispose of it in the green compost bin.