The District of Saanich is trying again -- they and Saanich Police have issued another Notice to Cease Occupation to occupants of a tent city encampment at Regina Park. And offcials say this time they expect residents to comply immediately.
On June 8th a notice to vacate was issued to the encampment -- but it has only grown in size.
At its Monday meeting Saanich Council amended its Parks Management and Control Bylaw to bring the district's bylaw in line with court decisions surrounding overnight sheltering in parks, including specific times and areas restricted for temporary overnight sheltering.
The Notice says people experiencing homelessness can take temporary overnight refuge in Regina Park, and erect and occupy a temporary shelter between the hours of 7 p.m. and 9 a.m. -- but they must not occupy the park on a continuous basis.
They also cannot leave their personal belongings in the park continually.
There have been several orders issued to campers in recewnt weeks. The Saanich Fire Department delivered an order under the Fire Services Act to address fire concerns. A subsequent fire inspection order was issued on June 15th. A fire order from the Office of the Fire Commissioner was issued to the District of Saanich on June 29th.
The district recently okayed the expenditure of $700-thousand for added police costs and adding a sanitation station to the park.