The BC Election officially kicked off this weekend with not one but 2 rally's in the Capital Region.
NDP Leader John Horgan was greeted by cheers at the Langford Legion Saturday.
Horgan is the acclaimed candidate in the Langford Juan De Fuca riding. Horgan says he wants to make life more affordable while focusing on the Liberals mistakes and what the NDP can do better. "Hydro rates didn't go up themselves the Liberals raised them, Insurance didn't go up by itself the Liberals raised it. The challenges created in this province have happened over the last 9 years of neglect by the BC Liberals."
Green Party Candidate Andrew Weaver was greeted by the party faithful at the Hotel Grand Pacific Saturday.
26 Candidates were on hand. Weaver says he's proud of the Green party's diversity & will unveil his platform over the next weeks. "Its going to be on offering British Columbians a choice not corporate interests not big money interests but their interests."
BC voters go to the polls May 9.