Pride Week is coming up in Victoria, and detractors have questioned why Pride celebrations are even needed.
However, advocates say the LGBTQ community still faces barriers. Along with the changes to society also comes the backlash, and an increase in violence against members of this marginalized community.
In the case of transgender people, many face high rates of unemployment and poverty.
Local LGBTQ advocate, Veronica Greer says many employers are still hesitant to hire a transgender person.
"Whether its concious or subconcious, this is still an issue that if they are faced with applications from all types of people, they will generally shy away from transgender people. And, I'm not pointing fingers to say this is discrimination on a concious level, but it is still there."
Greer has spearheaded a petition calling on the BC government to appoint a cabinet minister to represent the LGBTQ community.
Pride Week in Victoria runs July 1-8th.