Victoria has taken the next step in pursuing radar speed display signs that critique the velocity of a vehicle by displaying either a smiley face or a frowning face.
"When people are on Facebook, if they like something they give it a smile; if they don't like it they give it a frown. So we're taking Facebook and making it live on the roads."
The idea was first discussed last year, and now mayor Lisa Helps says a Request for Proposals has been posted to the city's website calling for bids from vendors.
"It wasn't even my idea. I have a community drop-in here at city hall every two weeks. We were talking... And a woman said, 'Hey, did you know in some places around the world it smiles when you slow down and frowns when you speed up?' And I said, 'Oh, great idea. I'm going to pitch it to council.'"
Mayor Helps says the bid process will provide the city with more information and pricing options for solar-powered speed display signage that could display a smiley face if a driver is travelling within the speed limit and a scowling face if the vehicle is being driven over the limit.