There will be a demonstration outside Victoria International Airport at 10:30 Wednesday morning.
Unite Here, local 40, says food service workers want the BC Government to protect them from periodic 'contract flipping' at the airport, just as they are moving to do in other contracted industries, like health care.
Spokesman Octavian Cadabeschi says when that happens workers are forced to re-apply for their jobs, often at a lower wage:
" This is an issue that I guess the government has begun to realize is affecting wages, it's affecting people's job security. And so they have recently passed a review of the labour code in which they recommend successorship laws so the workers stay on even after the contract flips. But it's only in some industries, and it doesn't affect food service workers. "
Servers from the airport's White Spot, Starbucks, Spinnakers, and Tim Horton's will be joined by joined by labour and community allies from across the region at the demonstration. They will also have a petition on hand asking for public support.
The action is not expected to affect your ability to grab a snack or coffees before a flight.